Modern development problems of technical and operational documentation on aviation technics within the framework of management of the product life cycle


  • Aleksey Sergeevich Gavzov AO «CS «Zvezdochka»
  • Natalya Evgenevna Zaykina NTC aerokosmicheskih sistem OAO «RTI»
  • Valeriy Alekseevich Kaliy AO «Ufimskoe agregatnoe proizvodstvennoe obedinenie» (UAPO)
  • Kirill Aleksandrovich Kushev NTC aerokosmicheskih sistem OAO «RTI»
  • Mihail Sergeevich Savchenko AO «Korporaciya VNIIEM»


assembly; design; documentation; product; system; life cycle; coding; operation; aviation technology.


To design technically complex systems, it becomes necessary to create operational and technical documentation. There are foreign standards aimed to regulation operational documentation. For the supply of aviation equipment products developed and certified in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to process all the documentation in accordance with international specifications, which adversely affects the competitiveness of such products on the world market. This article considers the possibility and feasibility of a single system creation for coding products, including the creation of one set of documentation for certification both in Russia and abroad.

Author Biographies

Aleksey Sergeevich Gavzov, AO «CS «Zvezdochka»

nachalnik otdela podgotovki soprovozhdeniya kontraktov po VTS AO «Centr sudoremonta «Zvezdochka». Dipl. morskogo inzhenera (Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy morskoy tehnicheskiy universitet, 2005)

Natalya Evgenevna Zaykina, NTC aerokosmicheskih sistem OAO «RTI»

inzhener otdela razrabotki dokumentacii NTC AKS OAO «RTI». Dipl. lingvista-perevodchika (Moskovskiy aviacionnyy institut (nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet), 2012). Dipl. inzhenera-ekonomista (Moskovskiy aviacionnyy institut (nacionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet), 2012).

Valeriy Alekseevich Kaliy, AO «Ufimskoe agregatnoe proizvodstvennoe obedinenie» (UAPO)

kand. tehn. nauk, glavnyy konstruktor OKB AO «UAPO». Dipl. inzhenera-elektrika (Kievskoe Vysshee Voennoe Aviacionnoe Inzhenernoe Uchilische, 1994)

Kirill Aleksandrovich Kushev, NTC aerokosmicheskih sistem OAO «RTI»

nachalnik otdela razrabotki dokumentacii NTC AKS OAO «RTI». Dipl. inzhenera (Arhangelskiy Gosudarstvennyy Tehnicheskiy Universitet, 2007)

Mihail Sergeevich Savchenko, AO «Korporaciya VNIIEM»

aspirant AO «Korporaciya VNIIEM». Dipl. inzhenera (Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy morskoy tehnicheskiy universitet, 2004). Dipl. morskogo inzhenera (Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy morskoy tehnicheskiy universitet, 2011)



