Parallel software package for modelling of astrophysical jets using hybrid shared memory computation systems


  • Mihail Pavlovich Galanin
  • Vladimir Vladimirovich Lukin
  • Valeriy Mihaylovich Chechetkin


magnetohydrodynamics; computations on GPU; astrophysical jets; shared memory systems.


 An RMHD model of the formation of astrophysical jet outflow from the vicinity of a compact object surrounded by a thin accretion disk and immersed into the nebula of galactic plasma is considered. The numerical algorithm is based on division by physical processes and includes a difference scheme for the MHD system of equations and discrete directions method for radiation transfer equation in the two-dimensional (2D) axisymmetrical case. Triangular unstructured staggered grids are used. Parallel numerical code using OpenMP and nVidia CUDA technologies for the shared memory systems is developed. The modeling results show the formation of the accelerating channel and acceleration of jet plasma up to 1/5 luminal speed and comply with the available observation data.




