The method of constructing and correction Y matrix nodal conductivity of the electric power system with ac-count of the complex coefficients of transformation


  • Norayr Petikovich Badalyan
  • Evgeniy Anatolevich Chaschin
  • Lyudmila Ivanovna Shemanaeva


electric power system; generalized parameters; factor; transformer; matrix; knot; conductivity.


The existing methods of electricity system calcula-tion, which contains transformers and autotransformers, do not have a generalized character. The simulation of the mathematical regular method for constructing Y matrix nodal conductivity of the electric power system. A method of constructing and correction of the square is not a spe-cial matrix Y of the generalized parameters of the power system, in separate areas which are transformers with complex coefficients of transformation. Using the pro-posed method allows for any electrical circuit with trans-formers develop a scheme of substitution without trans-former connection and perform the analysis of the schema using the theory of electrical circuits.




