The methodology of formation and replenishment of typical situations basis in systems of decision making support on ensuring information security


  • Vyacheslav Alekseevich Dulenko
  • Vladimir Anatolevich Pestrikov
  • Kristina Vladimirovna Kurochkina


information security; decision support system; de-cision-maker; typical situations basis; separating hyperplane; reference standard vector


The presented article concerns the methodology of forming the standard situation basis in decision support system to provide information security based on the prin-ciple of separability. It is suggested to relate the present situation to one of the typical classes on the basis of un-certain close relationship between them. It is stated that the classification of situations on the principle of close represents a mathematical resolution of feature vector on some feature space basis. It is suggested to use algebraic procedure of feature vector resolution for similar situa-tions providing a better approximation to the reference sets in the sense of the least square deviation. The sug-gested methodology of forming and replenishment of the typical situation basis will help to effectively fulfill decision analysis and learn decision-maker’s experience.




