Accounting the emotional state of students for automated compilation of individual learning module in distance education


  • Diana Radikovna Bogdanova UGATU


emotions, distance learning, personality types, facial ex-pressions, education, emotional state


The article discusses the problem of using tools of emotional artificial intelligence in distance education systems. A general description of distance education is given, its advantages and disadvantages are described. It is concluded that there is no influence on the emotions of students in distance education. The definition of emotions, as well as the main aspects associated with them. There is a consideration of facial expressions as a universal way of displaying emotions. And also the system of coding of facial movements is described in detail. This article provides an extensive analysis of personality types and methods for determining them. Emotions can affect motivation, perception, attention, and information absorption. The main existing human emotions are listed and described. The developed functional model of the process of organizing personalized distance learning, taking into account the emotional state of the student, is presented. The developed mathematical model of the problem of managing the distance learning process, taking into account emotionally colored information, is presented. Possible approaches to the formalization of the emotional state of students during the lesson are analyzed. The ways of influencing the emotional state of students are enumerated. The developed algorithm for the selection of emotional support, which is implemented in the DSS for distance education, is presented.



