Limiting quasi-stationary copying round up electrodetool


  • Vladimir Pavlovich Zhitnikov FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)
  • Nataliya Mihaylovna Sheryhalina FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)
  • Aleksandra Alekseevna Sokolova FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)


quasi-stationary solution, current efficiency, step function


The methods of the theory of functions of a complex variable are applied for investigation of the electrochemical machining process. The steady-state and non-steady-state processes of workpiece cutting using a wire electrode-tool are considered. For modelling of the precision process of electrochemical machining the stepwise function of current efficiency is used. The function determines the movement velocity of the anode boundary. The machining surface at steady-state process is divided into three parts: an active dissolution area, an area where there is no dissolution (for low current density) and a transition area in which the current density is equal to a critical value. At non-steady-state process a jump-like dissolution turn on and turn off and dynamical ascertainment of workpiece shape takes place in the transition area. The numerical investigation of solutions of non-steady-state problems shows quick formation of the solution coinciding with the steady-state solution obtained independently up to accuracy 0.001. 

Author Biographies

Vladimir Pavlovich Zhitnikov, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

prof. kaf. vych. mat. i kibernetiki. Dipl. inzh.-fiz. (MFTI, 1973). D-r fiz.-mat. nauk po meh. zhidkosti, gaza i plazmy (Kazansk. un-t, 1993). Zasl. deyat. nauki RB. Issl. v obl. voln. techeniy zhidkosti, e/him. formoobrazovaniya, chisl.-analit. metodov.

Nataliya Mihaylovna Sheryhalina, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

prof. kaf. VMiK. Dipl. inzh.-sistemotehn. (UGATU, 1993). D-r fiz.-mat. nauk po mat. modelirovaniyu, chisl. metodam i kompleksam programm (UGATU 2012). Issl. v obl. volnovyh techeniy zhidkosti, razrabotki chisl.-analit. metodov, metodov ocenki pogreshnosti i dostovernosti chisl. rezultatov.

Aleksandra Alekseevna Sokolova, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

aspirant kaf. vych. mat. i kibernetiki. Dipl. magistr po prikladn. matematike i informatike IVT (UGATU, 2014). Issl. v obl. resheniya zadach matem. modelirovaniya fiz. processov.



