Problems of selecting the concept and parameters of the advanced supersonic passenger air- craft propulsion system during multidisciplinary integration of the propulsion system with the airpframe


  • Selivanov Oleg Dmitrievich CIAM named after I.P. Baranov
  • Fokin Daniil Borisovich CIAM named after I.P. Baranov
  • Nyagin Pavel Vladimirovich CIAM named after I.P. Baranov
  • Mirzoyan Artur Amazaspovich CIAM named after I.P. Baranov
  • Evstigneev Alexander Alexandrovich CIAM named after I.P. Baranov


propulsion system, supersonic passenger aircraf, optimization, mathematical model


The paper describes the concept formation and selection of the parameters of the propulsion system of an advanced supersonic passenger aircraft with a take-off weight of ~ 80 tons based on a multidisciplinary approach with an assessment of the main target indicators of the aircraft. The solution of the problem was carried out using a set of mathematical models which provide the calculation of the parameters of the engine, propulsion system, aircraft, as well as the flight, take-off and landing, and acoustic characteristics. The vector of rational solutions is presented in the form of a set of Pareto optimal options, from which several of the most preferable ones are selected. doi 10.54708/19926502_2024_283105116

Author Biographies

Selivanov Oleg Dmitrievich, CIAM named after I.P. Baranov

Cand.Sci., CIAM named after I.P. Baranov.

Fokin Daniil Borisovich, CIAM named after I.P. Baranov

Central Institute of Aviation Motors, 2, Aviamotornaya Street, Moscow 111116, Russian Federation,, Web of Science ResearcherID – AAR-3230-2021. Head of the Department for Assessing the Efficiency of Applying Propulsion Systems in Aircraft for Various Purposes, CIAM named after I.P. Baranov

Nyagin Pavel Vladimirovich, CIAM named after I.P. Baranov

Central Institute of Aviation Motors, 2, Aviamotornaya Street, Moscow 111116, Russian Federation, Engineer of the Department for Assessing the Efficiency of Applying Propulsion Systems in Aircraft for Various Purposes, CIAM named after I.P. Baranov

Mirzoyan Artur Amazaspovich, CIAM named after I.P. Baranov

Central Institute of Aviation Motors, 2, Aviamotornaya Street, Moscow 111116, Russian Federation,, ORCID ID 0000-0003-0663-9625, Scopus Author ID 55753878400. Sector Head at the Department for Assessing the Efficiency of Applying Propulsion Systems in Aircraft for Various Purposes, CIAM named after I.P. Baranov

Evstigneev Alexander Alexandrovich, CIAM named after I.P. Baranov

Central Institute of Aviation Motors, 2, Aviamotornaya Street, Moscow 111116, Russian Federation,, Scopus Author ID 55247845700. Sector Head at the Division of Aircraft Engines, CIAM named after I.P. Baranov




