Evaluation of the wear resistance of radial plain bearings taking into account the compressibility of the lubricant


  • Bolgova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Rostov State Transport University
  • Mukutadze Murman Aleksandrovich Rostov State Transport University
  • Kharlamov Pavel Viktorovich Rostov State Transport University


compressibility, wear resistance assessment, coating, adapted profile, condition


The article is devoted to assessing the impact on the wear resistance of taking into account the compressibility of a lubricating material in the working gap of a modified radial sliding bearing. Based on the equation of motion of a truly viscous lubricant for the case of a "thin layer", the conti-nuity equation and the equation of state, new models were obtained that take into account new previously unrecorded factors such as the compressibility of the lubricant, a polymer coating on the surface of the shaft with an axial groove, an adapted profile of the support surface, allowing for a comparative analysis of the results obtained with those already available, confirming the correctness of the received model for practice. doi 10.54708/19926502_2024_28410611

Author Biographies

Bolgova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Rostov State Transport University

postgraduate student at the Department of Higher Mathematics, Rostov State Transport University, ORCID 0000-0002-0737-1846

Mukutadze Murman Aleksandrovich, Rostov State Transport University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Rostov State Transport University, ORCID 0000-0003-2910-3047

Kharlamov Pavel Viktorovich, Rostov State Transport University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Rostov State Transport University, ORCID 0000-0001-5100-4894




