Automated parallelization of a simulation method of elastic wave propagation in media with complex 3D geometry surface on high-performance heterogeneous clusters


  • Nikita Andreevich Kataev FIC «Institut prikladnoy matematiki im. M. V. Keldysha» (IPM)
  • Aleksandr Sergeevich Kolganov FIC «Institut prikladnoy matematiki im. M. V. Keldysha» (IPM); «Fakultet VMK MGU im. M. V. Lomonosova» (MGU)
  • Pavel Andreevich Titov «Institut vychislitelnoy matematiki i matematicheskoy geofiziki SO» (IVMiMG SO)


Automation of parallelization; heterogeneous computational cluster; 3D-modeling; curvilinear grid; GPU; Xeon Phi


The paper considers application of DVM and SAPFOR in order to automate mapping of 3D-elastic waves simulation method on high-performance heterogeneous clusters. A distinctive feature of the proposed method is the use of a curved three-dimensional grid, which is consistent with the geometry of free surface. Usage of curved grids considerably complicates both manual and automated parallelization.  Technique to map curved grid on a structured grid has been presented to solve this problem. The sequential program based on the finite difference method on a structured grid, has been parallelized using Fortran-DVMH language. Application of SAPFOR analysis tools simplified this parallelization process. Features of automated parallelization are described. Authors estimate efficiency and acceleration of the parallel program and compare performance of the DVMH based program with a program obtained after manual parallelization using MPI programming technology.

Author Biographies

Nikita Andreevich Kataev, FIC «Institut prikladnoy matematiki im. M. V. Keldysha» (IPM)

n.s. IPM im. M. V. Keldysha. Dipl. prikladnoy matematik-informatik (MGU, 2009). Gotovit dis. ob analize i preobrazovanii posledovatelnyh programm dlya ih rasparallelivaniya

Aleksandr Sergeevich Kolganov, FIC «Institut prikladnoy matematiki im. M. V. Keldysha» (IPM); «Fakultet VMK MGU im. M. V. Lomonosova» (MGU)

aspirant kaf. Sistemnogo programmirovaniya MGU. Dipl. prikladnoy matematik-informatik (MGU, 2014). Gotovit dis. ob ekspertnoy sisteme avtomatizirovannogo rasparallelivaniya posledovatelnyh programm

Pavel Andreevich Titov, «Institut vychislitelnoy matematiki i matematicheskoy geofiziki SO» (IVMiMG SO)

m.n.s IVMiMG SO RAN. Gotovit dis. ob ispolzovanii krivolineynyh setok dlya modelirovaniya seysmopoley v oblastyah, harakternyh dlya magmaticheskih vulkanov



