Investigation of wear-resistance of MDO-coatings formed in silicate-alkaline electrolyte on aluminum alloy AK4-1


  • Natalya Yurevna Dudareva FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)
  • Niyaz Hamitovich Musin FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)
  • Roman Vladimirovich Kalschikov FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)
  • Semen Romanovich Shehtman FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)
  • Dmitriy Albertovich Ahmedzyanov FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)
  • Aleksandr Evgenevich Kishalov FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)


microarc oxidation; aluminum alloys; wear resistance; microhardness; electrical parameters


The results of the investigation of the thickness, microhardness and wear resistance of coatings formed by microarc oxidation on samples of the aluminum alloy AK41 are presented. As the experiment factors, the concentrations of the electrolyte components (caustic potassiumKOH and sodium metasilicate-Na2SiO3) were used and the capacity of the installation. The investigations were carried out with the planning of a fractional factor experiment. It is established that the formed coating has a wear resistance of 94 times higher than that of the uncoated sample. Wear was not observed on the samples with high microhardness. The wear of the indenter was significant. Correlation analysis established that the installation capacity exerts the greatest influence on the micro-hardness. The layer thickness is affected by the concentration of the electrolyte components.

Author Biographies

Natalya Yurevna Dudareva, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

doc. kaf. Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya. Dipl. inzhener-mehanik (UGATU, 1994). Kand. tehn. nauk po teplovym dvigatelyam (UGATU, 1999). Issl. v obl.  povysheniya nadezhnosti DVS primeneniem pokrytiy, formiruemyh metodom mikrodugovogo oksidirovaniya.

Niyaz Hamitovich Musin, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

st. prep. kaf. Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya. Dipl. magistra tehniki i tehnologii (UGATU, 2009). Gotovit diss. v obl. povysheniya nadezhnosti detaley DVS s primeneniem pokrytiy, formiruemyh metodom mikrodugovogo oksidirovaniya.

Roman Vladimirovich Kalschikov, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

inzh. kaf. Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya. Dipl. inzhenera (UGATU, 2009). Gotovit diss. v obl. povysheniya nadezhnosti detaley DVS s primeneniem pokrytiy, formiruemyh metodom mikrodugovogo oksidirovaniya.

Semen Romanovich Shehtman, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

Dekan vechernego fakulteta UGATU pri UMPO, prof. kaf. Tehnologiya mashinostroeniya. Dipl. inzhener-mehanik (UGATU, 1993). Dokt. tehn. nauk (MATI, 2015). Issl. v obl. vakuumnyh ionno-plazmennyh pokrytiy.

Dmitriy Albertovich Ahmedzyanov, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

prof., dekan FADET. Dipl. inzh. po aviacionnym dvigatelyam i energeticheskim ustanovkam (UGATU, 1997). D-r tehn. nauk po teplovym, elektroraketnym dvigatelyam i energoustanovkam letatelnyh apparatov (UGATU, 2007). Issledovaniya v oblasti rabochih processov v aviacionnyh GTD na ustanovivshihsya i neustanovivshihsya rezhimah, razrabotki matematicheskih modeley slozhnyh tehnicheskih obektov, SAPR aviacionnyh GTD.

Aleksandr Evgenevich Kishalov, FGBOU VO «Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy aviacionnyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (UGATU)

doc. kaf. Aviac. teplotehniki i teploenergetiki UGATU, dipl. inzh. po aviacionnym dvigatelyam i energeticheskim ustanovkam (UGATU, 2006). Kand. tehn. nauk po teplovym, elektroraketnym dvigatelyam i energoustanovkam letatelnyh apparatov (UGATU, 2010). Issl. v obl. rabochih processov v aviacionnyh GTD na ustanovivshihsya i neustanovivshihsya rezhimah, razrabotki matematicheskih modeley slozhnyh tehnicheskih obektov, SAPR aviacionnyh GTD.



