Development of a digital prototype of a tubular pile driving diesel hammer and the stress- strain state assessment in the headplate.


  • Budilov Igor Nikolaevich Ufa University of Science and Technology
  • Ageev Georgiy Konstantinovich Ufa University of Science and Technology
  • Akbashev Vadim Rinatovich Ufa University of Science and Technology


numerical methods of the mechanics of deformed solid bodies, tubular diesel hammer, dynamic loading, finite-element method


The paper gives the results of the study on the stress-strain state of the structure elements of a tubular pile driving diesel hammer in the process of pile driving into the ground. The study was conducted by computer simulation using the ANSYS/LS DYNA software on the basis of digital prototypes. doi 10.54708/19926502_2024_28310545

Author Biographies

Budilov Igor Nikolaevich, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Prof. of the Department of the Strength of Materials. Engineer’s diploma in the engineering technology and welding equipment production (UAI, 1978). Dr. of Tech. Sci. in the heat engines of aircrafts (USATU, 1998). Research in fracture mechanics, strength of the elements of gas turbine engines and petrochemical equipment.

Ageev Georgiy Konstantinovich, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Vice Rector for Innovation, Assoc. Prof. at the Dept. of Aircraft Engines. Engineer’s diploma in aviation engines (USATU, 2007). Cand. of Tech. Sci. (USATU, 2012). Research in the parameter modeling of gas turbine engine accessories and power plants of aircrafts.

Akbashev Vadim Rinatovich, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Assistant Prof. of the Department of the Strength of Materials. Researcher. Lecturer-Researcher in the area of the dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment (2019). Cand. of Tech. Sci. (USATU, 2022). Research in the residual stresses and strength of structural elements.




