About the Journal

Scientific peer-reviewed journal “Materials. Technologies. Design" has been published since 2018

Languages: Russian, English.

Publication frequency: 4 times a year

A complete bibliographic description of all articles is presented in the Scientific Electronic Library elibrari.ru with the aim of forming the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

The five-year impact factor of the RSCI for 2022 is 0.222.

The journal accepts original articles for publication in the following scientific specialties.

1.3. "Physical Sciences"

1.3.5 Physical electronics       (Physical and mathematical sciences, Technical sciences)
1.3.8 Physics of condensed matter (Physical and mathematical sciences, Technical sciences)
1.3.9. Plasma Physics (Engineering Sciences)
1.3.13 Electrophysics, electrophysical installations (Technical sciences)

2.6. "Chemical technology, materials science, metallurgy."

2.6.1. Metal science and heat treatment of metals and alloys (Engineering)
2.6.4. Metal forming (Engineering)
2.6.6. Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials (Physical and mathematical sciences, Technical sciences)

The main objectives of the journal:

publication of scientific articles reflecting the results of original open scientific research, theoretical and experimental studies in Russian and English;
informing the international and Russian scientific community about promising areas of research in the field of materials science and mechanical engineering;
promoting the magazine's articles in the international space and attracting an international audience of authors and readers on the subject of the magazine.

Founder and Publisher:

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ufa University of Science and Technology", Ufa, Russia

Certificate of registration of mass media: PI No. FS 77 - 73207 dated 07/02/2018

Online version ISSN: 2658-7572

Print version ISSN: 2658-7572