Solving problems of electrical engineering by mathematical modeling


  • Maria Nikolaevna Semenova
  • Alika Albertovna Sabychikova



Mathematical modeling; differential equation; MatLab; Simulink; electrical engineering; electrical circuit; DC motor; error.


The solution of electrical engineering problems by the method of mathematical modeling usingthe MatLab software package is considered. Simulation is used as a tool for solving differential equationsin the Simulink environment. The use of the MatLab software package provides sufficient simulationaccuracy, which for the calculation of electrical systems can reach 95% compared to simulationand calculation data in specialized programs. As a modeling technique and a basis for further creationof complex models, the solution of an inhomogeneous linear differential equation with constant coefficientsof the second order is considered, which describes a series oscillatory circuit consistingof an LRC circuit and a sinusoidal alternating voltage source connected in series. In the main partof the research results, more complex models of the electrical circuit graph and the control systemof a DC motor with independent excitation are considered. All simulation results are compared withreal calculations performed using specialized programs or simulation modeling on laboratory facilities.The effectiveness of solving differential equations in the field of electrical engineering using theMatLab software package with sufficient modeling accuracy exceeding 95% is confirmed.



How to Cite

Semenova М. Н., & Sabychikova А. А. (2022). Solving problems of electrical engineering by mathematical modeling. Materials. Technologies. Design., 4(1 (7), 48–56.