Assessment of the actual technical condition of aircraft engine using the principle of "accumulation hypotheses"


  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Efanov
  • Aleksandr Viktorovich Petuhov


aircraft engine; technical condition; scalogramm; transformation of Hueckel; accumulation of hypotheses


The problem of evaluation of the actual technical condition of the aircraft engine. Assessment provides a comparison of operating parameters and their permissible values. For the analysis of nonstationary operating param-eters, use the wavelet transform. As diagnostic signs of possible defects is used topology scalogram. For analytical description of the topology is proposed method of approx-imation contour borders scalogramms with specified char-acteristics of brightness of the image. The solution of the tasks of presentation outline borders as the aggregate of the individual segments is based on the transformation of Hueckel. To obtain a continuous closed loop developed a method of "nested window". Recognition of objects on the contour images is carried out using the principle of "accu-mulation hypotheses". To reduce the dimension of a hier-archical approach that includes two stages accumulation of hypotheses.




