Digital infographic technologies in interactive e-learning


  • Tarkhov Sergey Vladimirovich Ufa University of Science and Technology
  • Tarkhova Lyaylya Mukaddasovna


computer techologies, digital infographics, marking maps, image processing, image decomposition, educational process, e-learning


The purpose of this research is to increase the efficiency of the educational process based on the use of computer technologies for the processing of digital infographic content which makes it possible to create interactive infographics using an original markup method and processing algo-rithms. A trend has been noted towards the increasingly widespread use of multimedia content and digital infographics in the modern educational process due to its high information capacity – the information entropy of an image is equal to the maximum value of the conditional entropy of one image element multiplied by the total number of elements. The importance of complexly organized digital graphic information in information processes during training sessions is shown. A classification of digital infographic content used in the scientific, technical and educational fields has been developed. A method developed by the authors for marking digital infographic content is described, which consists in decomposing images using maps for marking graphic images. An algorithm for working with digital infographic objects contained in electronic educational content is presented. Practical application of digital infographic content with marking maps in the study of graphic engineering disciplines has shown its high efficiency – the quality of learning material during independent work of students has increased by an average of 20–25 %. doi 10.54708/19926502_2024_28310532

Author Biographies

Tarkhov Sergey Vladimirovich, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Prof. at the Dept. of Computer Science, UUST. Dipl. Mechanical Engineer (Ufa Aviation Institute, 1980). Dr. of Tech. Sci. in management in social and economic systems (Ufa State Aviation Technical University, 2010). Research in the field of management in organizational systems, software of computing systems, complexes and computer networks

Tarkhova Lyaylya Mukaddasovna

Assistant Prof. at the Dept. of Applied Mechanics and Computer Engineering (BSAU), Assistant Prof. at the Dept. of Integrated Engineering and Computer Graphics (USPTU). Dipl. Mechanical Engineer (Ufa Aviation Institute, 1980). Cand. of Tech. Sci. in management in social and economic systems (Ufa State Aviation Technical University, 2001). Research in the field of management in organizational systems, software of computing systems, complexes and computer networks




