Modification of silicon under synergy of high-intensity implantation of titanium ions and energy influence of a high-power ion beam on a surface


  • Alexandr Valerevich Gurulev
  • Аnna Ivanovna Ivanova
  • Dimitri Оlegovich Vakhrushev
  • Оlga Sergeevna Korneva
  • Dmitri Davidovich Efimov
  • Аrtem Аlexeyevich Chernyshev



Ion implantation, energy impact, temperature field dynamics, radiation-stimulated diffusion, deep ion doping, synergy, titanium ions, silicon, surface modification, vacuum arc, infrared pyrometer


Methods of modifying surface and near-surface layers of materials and coatings by ion beams can beapplied in many fields of science and technology. To practically implement the technologies for thetargeted improvement of the performance properties of parts and products for various purposes, it isof great interest to develop the methods of deep ion doping of near-surface layers of semiconductormaterials, as well as metals and alloys due to the enhancement of radiation-stimulated diffusion underconditions when the irradiated sample’s deep layers are not subjected to significant temperature impact.This work studies the features and regularities of the implementing the synergy of high-intensitytitanium ion implantation at current densities of several hundred milliamps per square centimeter withsimultaneous energy impact of a submillisecond ion beam with a power density reaching several tensof kilowatts per square centimeter on the surface. This work is the first to show that the synergy ofhigh-intensity ion implantation and the energy impact of a high power density ion beam, taking thetitanium implantation into silicon as an example, provides the possibility of increasing the ion dopingdepth from fractions of a micron to 6 microns by increasing the irradiation time from 0.5 to 60 min.




How to Cite

Gurulev, A. V. ., Ivanova А. I. ., Vakhrushev D. О. ., Korneva О. S. ., Efimov, D. D. ., & Chernyshev А. А. . (2024). Modification of silicon under synergy of high-intensity implantation of titanium ions and energy influence of a high-power ion beam on a surface. Materials. Technologies. Design., 6(1 (16), 91–96.